💌📫 Newsletter: How To Advance Your Writing Skills

My Writing Journey

I contribute a big part of my recent success to the fact that I put a lot of time and effort in leveling up my writing skills over the last seven years. There are quite a few factors that went into “leveling up.” I don’t think I was a bad writer before, but I do believe I was a descent writer. Maybe I’d even say a good writer. But what I’ve learned in the last 14 years, good isn’t always good enough to get published. Much less get published well, for me that meant big advance, big publisher.

I know you might be reading this post for the secret formula or hoping to find the shortcut answer that will change your writing game forever. It doesn’t exist. There are, however, things you can do to improve your writing skills and increase your chances of getting published and find the success you dream of. Let me first start by mentioning what you all have heard before and don’t want to hear it again, but I’m going to say it anyway….

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e-Galleys & How To Advance Your Writing Skills by Dana Elmendorf

So much bookish news, Ep. 2 My Writing Journey, and my favorite things.

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